Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Marshfield Cultural Fair

Join Catholic Charities in Marshfield, WI on Saturday February 25th at the 8th Annual Marshfield Cultural Fair. The fair will be held at the UW-Marshfield/Wood County Campus (2000 West 5th St) from 10am-4pm. The fair will offer music, dance, international foods, arts, crafts, cultural displays and more. Stop by the Catholic Charities booth and say hi!

Friday, January 13, 2012

We've Moved!

The Stevens Point Catholic Charities Friends of Adoption office is now located in the Wausau Catholic Charities building!

Contact info is as follows:

1105 S. 10th Ave
Wausau, WI 54401
Phone: 715-340-4601
Fax: 715-849-8414

Feel free to contact Anne with any questions...