Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Foster Care and Adoption Resource Center

If you are an adoptive or foster parent in Wisconsin and have never checked out the WI Foster Care and Adoption Resource Center, now is the time! They exist specifically to provide information and resources to you. They have a wonderful resource library where you can find and borrow countless resources, an online calendar, and our favorite - a section of articles and tip sheets written by their staff on a variety of foster and adoption-related issues. Click here for their home page.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Lifebook Workshop

On Saturday, March 7th Friends of Adoption will sponsor a Lifebook workshop from Jennifer Demar in La Crosse, WI. Jennifer will be presenting a lifebook workshop for pre-and post-adoptive and foster families: Lifebooks: How to Present an Adopted Child's Life Story. Cost is $15.00 per person, and you can RSVP to Magen Duffy in our La Crosse office at 608-782-0710 ext. 223. This is sure to be a fun and meaningful event you will not want to miss!